会社概要 Profile

商号 : 住友化学工業株式会社
Trade name : Sumitomo Chemical Industry Company Limited

取締役会長 : 住友 孝明
Chairperson : Takaaki Sumitomo

代表取締役社長 : 東 滋子
President : Shigeko Higashi

設立年月 : 1935年10月
Established : October 1935

資本金 : 一千万円
Capital : 10 million yen

事業内容 : 酸性染料の研究、開発及び製造
Business : Reserch and development, manufacturing of acid dyes

沿革 History

1935 創業者 住友久吉  現在地において住友化学工業所を創立
Established as Sumitomo Chemical Industry at present location by the founder Hisakichi Sumitomo,
and began production of naphthol and sulfur dyes
1944 企業整備令発令で製造中止
Suspended operation following an industry restructuring order issued by the government
1946 製造再開 酸性染料製造開始
Resumed production and began production of acid dyes
1950 住友化学工業株式会社に改組
Incorporated as Sumitomo Chemical Industry Company Limited
1960 非繊維用酸性染料の開発
Developed acid dyes for non-textile application
1970 公害問題発生で対応に苦慮
Took measures to solve pollution problems
1985 創立50周年
Celebrated 50th anniversary and launched overseas toll manufacturing
2005 創立70周年
Celebrated 70th anniversary
2015 創立80周年
Celebrated 80th anniversary